by Anca Copaescu | Nov 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
HomeResourcesBlogs The Paradigm of the Fixed Cost Model: The Challenge of Full Outsourcing and the Emergence of the new Hybrid Anca Copaescu CEO and Founder of Strategikon | Visionary in Clinical Outsourcing and Vendor Performance Management In this resource...
by Anca Copaescu | Sep 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
HomeResourcesBlogs The End of the Tedious Cut & Paste in Contracting Document Generation Anca Copaescu CEO and Founder of Strategikon | Visionary in Clinical Outsourcing and Vendor Performance Management In this resource Introduction Strengthen your processes and...
by Anca Copaescu | Sep 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
HomeResourcesBlogs Why Generic Sourcing Solutions are Unfit for Clinical Outsourcing Anca Copaescu CEO and Founder of Strategikon | Visionary in Clinical Outsourcing and Vendor Performance Management In this resource Introduction Strengthen your processes and increase...
by Anca Copaescu | Jun 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
HomeResourcesBlogs Cost Benchmarking is a Necessity for Smart Sourcing Anca Copaescu CEO and Founder of Strategikon | Visionary in Clinical Outsourcing and Vendor Performance Management In this resource Introduction Short story So, what is the solution? Strengthen...