Technology for Fast, Accurate Planning and Budgeting

Technology for Fast, Accurate Planning and Budgeting

Resources Webinars Technology for Fast, Accurate Planning and Budgeting Watch Here! Your carefully designed clinical budget is already deviating from your plan. Worse yet, you may have protocol and operational changes that require changes in scope. With the upcoming...
Embracing Change and Budgeting Technology during a Pandemic

Embracing Change and Budgeting Technology during a Pandemic

Resources Webinars Embracing Change and Budgeting Technology during a Pandemic Watch Here! CSL Behring shares their experiences on introducing and implementing study budgeting technology into their Global Clinical organization. Learn about the challenges faced and...
Clinical Outsourcing Processes and the Butterfly Effect

Clinical Outsourcing Processes and the Butterfly Effect

Resources Webinars Clinical Outsourcing Processes and the Butterfly Effect Watch Here! The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. Complex is clearly an appropriate descriptor for clinical trial execution and...
Real World Experience and Budgeting for Oncology Studies

Real World Experience and Budgeting for Oncology Studies

Resources Webinars Real World Experience and Budgeting for Oncology Studies Watch Here! Oncology studies often have unique qualities that complicate budgeting and forecasting. Modelling various patient cohorts, complex treatments, adaptive trial designs, and timing...
Entrepreneurship in Clinical Trial Industry

Entrepreneurship in Clinical Trial Industry

Resources Webinars Entrepreneurship in Clinical Trial Industry Watch Here! ClinBiz interviews serial entrepreneur Anca Copaescu, CEO of Strategikon. Hear about what it takes to successfully build a company and prioritizing the many demands on your time. Strengthen...